Custom, lightweight template workflow for reproducible research projects in R
A template repository for reproducible research projects
:pencil2: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :notebook: :bar_chart: :microscope: :computer: :octocat:
Check out the example rendered HTML files
template repository
Make output
Load output
Highly recommended:
Follow the instructions to make a new repository, and clone it to your machine
Source the rr_helpers.R
file by running source("rr_helpers.R")
, from the
root of the project directory, and run rr_initialize()
, following the prompts
to clean up the repository for first use, and customize the template.
To start new analyses, copy include/template.Rmd
to the analysis
and code away!
Whenever you make changes, commit them with git and push to the remote.
To create a GitHub Pages site, make sure to commit HTMLs. It’s recommended
to only do this once they are relatively final, since self-contained HTMLs can be quite large files.
In the settings for the GitHub repository, enable pages from the /root